Saturday, October 07, 2006

Let the IR blogging begin...

This blog was set up in order to discuss the academic discipline of International Relations. It is for use by part-time MA students who are studying International Relations in Dublin City University from 2005-2007. It is intended to provide a forum for ideas and discussion.

All of us have willingly signed up for the course, and I for one find the subject matter fascinating. In our very first class this semester, mention was made of a ‘scholarly community’. I was thinking about ways to try to interact as a scholarly community of students, and I thought it might be a nice idea to set up a discussion blog where we could exchange ideas and understandings of the subjects of the course.

Last Friday, a few of us went out for a nice meal that Eva arranged for our class (thanks Eva!). At the meal and in the pub afterwards, I ran this idea about a blog by a few of my fellow students. Most of them were encouraging, and thought they might be interested in posting a few thoughts about things on a blog. So I decided just to go ahead and set one up!

I have often asked myself why I bothered signing up for a Masters at all (I've written about this on my own blog). One of the main things I’m interested in is getting into a dialogue with my fellow students about global politics, inequality, war, trade, and other IR stuff. Maybe a blog like this would be a good way to have this discussion? So now let’s see if there are any volunteers to contribute!!

Don’t all rush forward…

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